Luigi Russolo e la musica futurista by Giovanni Lista Edizioni Mudima (Milano), 2009 190 pages, 92 images ISBN: 9788887684544 Luigi Russolo. Painter, performer and theorist…
Month: January 2010
(ANSAR) – ROMA, 3 DIC -‘Roma ospitera’ il museo dei futuristi, in un sede ancora da decidere’. Lo annuncia l’assessore alla cultura del comune di…
Her boyfriend, Sheeni says, writes “futurist percussive poetry,” and Nick agrees: “He certainly seems to have a gift for smashing ungraceful words together and deeming…
Lines of Force: The Futurist Influence on Modern British Art – Emily Braun, a distinguished professor at Hunter College and CUNY’s Graduate Center and curator…
Was she inspired by the Rome ‘Butterfly’ exhibit which included this work by Balla?